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Modifying the Header

24 Jun 2015 . category: tech . Comments

The intro part of the index page (Header) is consisted of four elements:

  1. A black favicon
  2. Background image
  3. Welcome text
  4. Your image

Black favicon

The black favicon is an image on the left of the navigation bar. Preferably it should be a black and white version of your favicon.

black-favicon: "/img/black-lab-glass.ico"

Background image

In order to set the background, set the path to following variable:

background-img: "../img/intro-bg.jpg"

NB! Keep the .. in the beginning of the background image path

Welcome text

The welcome text is controlled by the following (self-explanatory) variables:

dynamic-typing: True
shuffle: True # Shuffle the lines.
loop: True
loop-count: False # Set False for infinite loop, or set any number for finite loop.
type-speed: 10 # Default 10
start-delay: 200 # Default 200
delete-delay: 5000 # Default 5000
lines: # You can add HTML Tags in the Text
  - text: "The lower you fall, the higher you'll fly."
  - text: "Where’s your will to be weird?"

Many thanks to @prashantsolanki3 for the dynamic typing feature!

Your image

You can set your image from the following variable:

me-img: "/img/jetpacktocat.png"

If you want to connect your Facebook profile image then you can use the following.
Replace user_id with your facebook user id. Facebook user id can be found by clicking on your profile pic and the large number in the end of the url just before ‘&type’ is your user id.
Note: fbid is not the same as user id and user id only contains numbers.

me-img: "https://graph.facebook.com/user_id/picture?type=large&width=500&height=500"

If you want to connect your Github profile image then you can use the following.
Replace user_name with your Github user name.

me-img: "https://github.com/user_name.png?size=500"

If you want to connect your Gravatar profile image then you can use the following.
Replace email_hash with your Gravatar profile email hash.
You can create the email hash by using an online tool like md5hashgenerator, just enter your email and it will generate the hash.

me-img: "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/email_hash?s=500"

All set!


My name is Phillip Goldberg and I am an upcoming senior at Vandy, studying Computer Science Still traversing my way through the different field CS has to offer, and looking at different applications in which I can contribute to society. Currently working at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.